What are small groups?

We need each other! God created you and me to be in community!

Each of our small groups have different focuses and may go through a bible study, sermon application, topical study or a book study. But all small groups have the same goal. We want to mature in the Word of God, be spurred towards love and good deeds, and be transformed to be more like Christ. We believe that one of the main tools God uses to achieve this is intimate biblical communities. In our small groups, we spend time sharing about our highs and lows, the season of life we are in and we pray together as a community.

Where and when do small groups meet?

We have 13 different small groups and most small groups meet weekly or biweekly. Most small groups have joined our vision to build intergenerational communities who live in close proximity. Our hope is that this may lower the bar for real life sharing and unify a missional focus to serve & reach their neighbourhoods for Jesus.

I would like to join

We would love to get to you too! If you would like to join a small group or check one out, please email Steve, our deacon for small groups and fellowships at smallgroups@eccc.ca with the groups you are interested in and he will connect you with those leaders.

2023-2024 ECCC Small Group Profiles


Group Leaders Where usually? When usually? Current Demographic and Focus for the Year
Eddie & Alanna Greenfield Saturdays 10:00 am Our group is made of young adults, families and children that seek to know God and share life together. Our meetings will alternate between bible studies, topical discussions and social events. All are welcome to attend! We will start off the year by studying the book of Job.
Peter & June McKernan/Webber Greens Monday evenings, weekly Our group is composed mostly of families, mostly with elementary school aged kids. We plan to have online Bible studies (book of Romans), in person dinner/prayer with a smaller number of families, and in person family meets with everyone, where kids will be doing Bible studies for each other (stories from Genesis ). Anyone is welcome to attend.
Steve & Elaine Argyll & Allendale Sat, 3-6pm

We are an intergenerational and diverse group of young singles to grandparents that seek to grow in intimacy with God and each other in order to reach our community with God's love and word!

Content this fall:
This year our focus will be on Hebrews and why a life with Jesus is worth anything, monthly guys & girls nights out, and looking to the bible to help us with any difficult questions people have regarding Christianity.
Andrew & Cindy Southgate area Thursday evenings We are a new cell group, currently in our 20s and 30s looking to span all generations. Our focus this year is growing delight in God’s Word through studying and praying through the Psalms, learning to lift up each others’ victories and challenges to God.


Group Leaders Where usually? When usually? Current Demographic and Focus for the Year
Danika Rideau Park (near Southgate) and Chappelle/Windermere (Southwest). Saturdays 2:30 – 5:30 PM, weekly

We are a group in our mid 20s to late 30s with a vision of “Discipleship through Fellowship”.

This year, focus includes inductive bible study of Acts, and corporate prayer time. We also regularly have social events (games, food, and more)!

We especially invite those who feel “orphaned” from a spiritual community (newly moved to Edmonton, new or returning seekers in the faith), as well as those willing to journey alongside them.

Kinnson & Grace Ambleside/ Windermere, Thursday evenings Our group is a mix of people in their 20s to 30s, a mix of singles, young couples, and a few young families. Some are still students and many are working. Our theme focus as a cell is living a life fully content in Jesus Christ and striving to reflect Christ’s love authentically each day in the way we live. We will be studying Psalms together this year, while also growing together by sharing life, encouraging, supporting and praying for one another through various seasons.
Ian & Janet and Dannis & Jessica MacTaggart or Mckernan Saturdays at 5pm We are an intergenerational cell group that seeks out and invites believers and non-believers to join us in food, fellowship and the study of God so that we may share life together. We cycle through 2 weeks in person, then 1 week split girls and guys.


Group Leaders Where usually? When usually? Current Demographic and Focus for the Year
Stephanie Rutherford or Leger or Online (Hybrid) Monday 7-9 pm Our group consists of a mixture of young professionals in their late 20s to families with kids ranging from 7 months to junior high. We alternate between online and in person meetings, where we focus on practical life applications of our Christian faith, serving our community and bonding in fellowship (with lots of food!). Come join us if you want to be a part of a loving community where we share and live life together!
Nathan & Doris Oleskiw (West Edmonton) Sat, 5:30 or 6:30 - 8pm We are an intergenerational cell group with a focus on studying the Bible and understanding the depths of the gospel message in our lives.


Group Leaders Where usually? When usually? Current Demographic and Focus for the Year
Tracy Hollick Kenyon (NE Edmonton) Thursday, 7:00 pm, except 1st week of the month. If it is a dinner gathering, then 6:00 pm.

The group generally consists of people in their 20s and 30s, and young families. Anyone is welcome!

Our focus is to connect and grow with each other wherever we are in our faith journey, through studying of the Bible and intentional community. This year, we will be studying different Parables in the Bible.


Group Leaders Where usually? When usually? Current Demographic and Focus for the Year
Steve & Isabel In person meetings, in members’ homes in SW Edmonton 2nd Fri and 4th Sat at 7:30pm. (or 6pm if potluck)

We are a 40+ mature adult cell group, believers and non believers, in the area of South-West Edmonton.

We focus on: deepening the relationship with God, our heavenly Father; enriching people's lives with deeds by the love of Christ; witnessing the Gospel by the power of the Holy Spirit through personal testimonies; and making disciples to be the light in the community.

Sock-khim ECCC Rm 255 1st and 3rd Friday of the month

The group consists of members in their 40s and above. A majority are retired .

This year we are studying the book of Colossians.

Our focus continues to be on equipping each member with the word of God .

Wendy Virtual 2nd and 4th Tuesday evenings

We are a group of women who are mature in age.

This year, we will be continuing to read His word through studying a book of the bible using the inductive Bible study method. By studying the word of God, we hope to reach our vision which is to know our God - His character, His power, and His promises. Our goal is to deepen our relationship with God and to look to His word for encouragement and inspiration to keep persevering in this world. As a small group, we hope to encourage one another to study and know God’s word.