2025 Gym Waiver Form 體育館使用者免責聲明書

Edmonton Christian Community Church

8810-65Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6E0J7

Participant’s or Parent’s/ Legal Guardian’s Informed Consent, Indemnity, Medical Release and Waiver

Please read carefully before signing. 簽署前請仔細閱讀

To sign a waiver, you must be 18 or over and if this is for a minor, it must be completed an signed by a parent or legal guardian. 您必須年滿 18 歲才可以簽署免責聲明,如果是未成年人仕,則必須由父母或法定監護人簽署。

Signing this document means I understand it entirely (not just this bold portion) and agree to its contents. My signature means, in part, that I understand participation in an activity at, or a class or program of Edmonton Christian Community Church (ECCC) can be risky and dangerous and may result in serious injury or death to me or my child, but that I will not sue or bring any action against ECCC, or anyone associated with ECCC.

To: Edmonton Christian Community Church

I, the undersigned parent or guardian, do hereby grant permission for my daughter/son (hereinafter referred to as “Participant”), whose name is printed below, to participate in the activities and programs head by/at ECCC, and agree to the contents of this document.


I am over the age of 18 and am participating in the activities and programs of ECCC (I shall also be referred to as “Participant”) and agree to the contents of this document.

  1. Assumption of Risk. I agree that participation by the Participant in any Activity involves inherent physical risks and I agree to assume the full risk of any bodily injuries (including death), damages, or loss which I/the Participant may sustain as a result of any activities arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with participation in the Activities. I certify that the Participant’s present level of physical condition is consistent with the demands of active participation in the Activities.

  2. Waiver. I agree that I, my heirs, next of kin, executors, administrators and assigns (collectively “my Successors”) do hereby full release ECCC from any and all liability, claims and causes of action arising from any injury, damage or loss I/the Participant may sustain as a result of any activities arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with my/the Participant’s participation in the Activities and covenant not to sue ECCC for the same, whether caused by the negligence of ECCC or otherwise. This is a complete and irrevocable release and waiver.

  3. Indemnity. I agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend ECCC from any and all claims arising out of or in consequence of my/the Participant’s participation in Activities. This indemnification includes, but is not limited to legal fees.

  4. Medical Authorization. In the case that I/the Participant sustains an injury or medical emergency during activities relating to the Activities, I authorize the directors, staff or other associated representative of ECCC to act for me/the Participant. This authorization DOES NOT require a prior determination of a threat to my/the Participant’s life or a danger of serious permanent injury. I hereby hold the directors, staff or other associated representatives of ECCC harmless in the exercise of this authority.

  5. Emergency Transport. I authorize and agree to pay any expense incurred for emergency transport or treatment for the Participant.

  6. GYM RULES & Policies. I have read, understand and agree to the ECCC Gym Rules & Policies below. I understand they are designed for the safety and protection of me/the Participant ad I hereby agree to inform my child (the Participant) of the risks of the Activities and the importance of abiding by the Rules & Policies

    1. Horseplay, rude behaviour, shouting, swearing and bullying is not tolerated.

    2. ECCC staff is in charge and has the authority to refuse or expel anyone from the gym.

    3. All accidents/incidents must be immediately reported to the ECCC staff.

    4. Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. ONLY indoor (No "street shoes") and non-marking court shoes are allowed.

    5. All equipment must be returned to its original place by the user.

    6. No smoking, Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited. Anyone appearing to be under the influence will be immediately removed from the gym.

    7. When and if required, the ECCC staff will implement the Emergency policy and procedures.

    8. ECCC is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Valuables should be left at home.

    9. Inability of refusal to follow these and other rules WILL result in immediate expulsion from the gym.

    10. Child(ren) must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

I have read and fully understand this release, waiver, indemnity and authorization and have had the opportunity to ask questions and have them answered. I am aware that by signing this release, waiver, indemnity and authorization, I am giving up certain rights which, I, my child, the Participant or my Successors may have against ECCC.

Every user please fill out this form regardless of age, parents please help to fill out for ALL your children in your family. 每個使用者不論年齡都需要填寫一份,家長也需要替您所有孩童填寫一份。

This form is required to be signed annually. This means that if you have signed it once in 2025, you are covered for the remainder of the year and do not need to sign each time you use the facility until the following year. 每年只需填寫表格一次,不需每次遞交表格。