Two ways to give at Edmonton Christian Community Church



You can safely and securely donate online via eTransfer directly from your bank account. For further help, contact

Online Account

You can create an online offering account by completing and sending the eTransfer Registration Form to

Existing Account

If you already offered via eTransfer before, You can make your online offering by completing and attaching the Offering Envelope along with your offering to


You can send offering cheques payable to ECCC to the church by mail, addressed to Mr. Renkang Zhu (8810 – 65 Ave, Edmonton AB, T6E 0J7). Inside the envelope, please include your full name, offering number, address, phone number, and which ministries you are supporting (general fund, vision fund, mission, theological education, special projects, thanksgiving or others). 



“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” - 2 Corinthians 9:7