[Security Notice] Old Website

Hey ECCC Family,

If you’ve been on our old website in the past couple of hours, you’ll be redirected to different advertisements, and scam pages due to a recent security breach — please do not click and give personal information to any of these pages.

If you have an ECCC Member login, we strongly recommend that you change your password for your associated e-mail login. For eg. ECCC Member login: john.doe@yahoo.com. Please go to your yahoo.com e-mail and change that password. We have reached out to our web service to address the issue, as well as, to temporarily take down the old website.

Please forward this message to any fellowships, small groups, and church members to help spread the word.

We’ll keep all of you posted.

English In-Person Worship:

Here are some updates regarding the latest arrangements for worship gatherings:

a) Due to the severity of the pandemic in Alberta, Church council has decided that in-person church worship will be suspended for four weeks from December 19 2020 to January 10 2021. Please join us online to worship together at home. The church encourages small groups to form “Virtual Watch Parties” to watch the service together over the internet.

b) All fellowships, small groups or meetings originally scheduled to be held in-person at the church will be suspended. We will keep everyone informed of any future updates.

If you have any questions, please direct them to office@eccc.ca or one of the pastors.

Thank you!

Reminder: AGM Proxy Vote

Hey everyone,

The AGM is right around the corner, so we’d like to encourage you to vote by proxy as soon as you can!

Each proxyholder has signed a non-disclosure agreement by faith to protect members’ privacy. By assigning your vote to a proxyholder, the proxyholder you choose will:

  1. See your submission and verify you are a member of ECCC.

  2. Represent you in person on Nov. 29, 2020, 12:30 p.m. at the ECCC AGM to cast your ballot, ensuring that your name will not be revealed with your ballot at voting.

To ensure quorum, your ballot must by submitted to your proxyholder by NOVEMBER 22, 2020. Go to eccchurch.ca/agm-proxy for instructions on how to vote by proxy. Please choose one of the proxyholder: Hieu Ho, Rev. Chanh Kwok or Rev. Henry Ling and fill out the form. You can only appoint one proxy holder and vote once, otherwise your ballot will be voided.

We will also have a QnA session on November 15 from 1-2 p.m. over zoom:

  • Zoom ID: 2840806094

  • Password: 3222

If you have any questions in regard to the AGM agenda items, please send your questions to our council chair Wendy Wong (wendy.wong@eccc.ca) or our Senior Pastor Rev. Ivan Doo (Ivan.Doo@eccc.ca).

Day of Prayer

We will be gathering online this Saturday (October 17th) to seek the Lord together in prayer.  Psalm 2:8 says, "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance..."

As the body of Christ, what a great promise this is.  But we need to come before the Lord.  We need to ask.  So, set aside this Saturday.  Let's come together as a church for the sake of repentance, unity, and revival.  Let's come and ask that God would renew and transform us so that we would shine the gospel light with greater clarity and intensity to the praise of His name.  

Zoom ID 6297411915
Password: 7777777

8-10am led by Mandarin

10-12pm led by English 

12-2pm led by Cantonese

2-4pm led by Mandarin

Make sure to specify your name and language (for small group prayer) when logging in.  Eg. Joyce (E) for English or Joyce (A) for any language.

Welcome Back!


We’re excited to see some of you in-person again as we reopen the church! Before we do, we’d like to give some quick tips on how we can worship safely together:

  1. All attendees must register through Eventbrite. The link will be posted each week for you on the main English page to register.

  2. We will be using Entrance C to enter the building.

  3. Please wear a mask at all times; after entering, sanitize and head over to the check-in station!

  4. After verifying your Eventbrite ticket, you must take the self-assessment survey if you haven’t done so already. Assessment survey must be taken before attending church. A temperature check will also be used for further safety measures on the day of.

  5. Ushers will direct you to your seat. Please sit according to your congregation at least 3 chairs from the next cohort.

  6. When the service has finished, we ask that you kindly leave and not loiter after the service (even though it’s so hard after not seeing everyone for so long).

  7. Please use Entrance C as the exit.

Additional points:

  1. If you need to use the washroom, please use the men’s and ladies’ washroom by lobby D/entrance D. Feel free to ask an usher to direct you.

  2. Singing is not permitted, but feel free to hum those praise songs!

  3. Please park at least 1 parking space apart from the neighbouring vehicle.

  4. Food and water is not permitted, and all water fountains will be unavailable.

  5. More info here.

See you all soon! Stay safe, and God bless!

English In-Person Worship: September 20th, 2020

We’re making plans for both in-person worship and livestream effective September 20th. In preparation for this launch, we’d like to share some important information.  

  1. We ask that you review the safety guidelines and procedures below.  Familiarize yourself with these as your cooperation on these guidelines will help in keeping everyone safe.

  2. For in-person worship, you will need to secure a ticket through Eventbrite each week.

    • COVID screening questions will be included in this process 

    • A link to Eventbrite will be posted on eccchurch.ca every week

    • Parents who require access to the nursery can also secure a ticket for one of the nurseries through Eventbrite (2 nurseries are available)

    • We have a limited capacity of 70 seats

Whether you’ll be joining us online or in-person, we are so excited about this new ministry year.  Continue to pray with us for a safe reopening.   

Membership Declaration // Communion Sunday

Hey church,

Just wanted to remind you that July 31st is the deadline for membership declaration! Please click the button below to declare your membership.

Also, just a reminder that this Sunday is communion. We invite you and your whole family to join us for communion and worship.

To prepare, your household should make available a loaf of bread, bun, or even flat bread for those who are keen, and some juice.

Young kids may be curious about the bread and juice and may want to take part but we encourage they simply observe as the elements represent the body and the blood of Christ and should be handled with reverence (1 Corinthians 11:27–31).

Phase 3 Reopening

Thank you for your patience as we prepare for the re-opening of in-person worship services at ECCC. We plan to re-start ALL in-person worship services on September 4, 2020. Saturdays will be Cantonese and Mandarin; Sundays will only be the English worship service.

As part of our re-opening preparation, we need to register attendees ahead of time to ensure we are in compliance with AHS protocols regarding seating, social distancing, maximum occupancy and disinfection.

Please note that there will be NO NURSERY OR CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS (including Sunday School) provided at this time. Worship-time children's ministries will not begin until January 2021. AWANA and Kaio will resume September 2020 in online formats.

We will still be offering online services at the same worship times as we will not have capacity to have the entire English congregation in attendance.

We look forward to seeing you again (at a distance!) to worship together! Indeed, we worship together in Spirit and in Truth, regardless of where we worship as a church family.

Registration will be open from July 26 - August 15th, 2020. If you’d like to register for the English worship service, please click the button below.

New Layout!

Hey Church,

Just wanted to inform you that we’ve made some changes to our website layout.

Huge shout out to @Kevin Lau for his time and energy in helping code the navigation bars! Without his help, we wouldn’t have been able to streamline and clean up the website. Now that he’s set things in place, our website will be more efficient and organized as we add to the different menus in the near future. Please look below to see some of the changes:

Say goodbye to those buttons, and hello to the navigation bar!  This will be on the main English page only.  Look down below for further changes:

Say goodbye to those buttons, and hello to the navigation bar! This will be on the main English page only. Look down below for further changes:

All other sub pages will have a side navigation menu that will open up once you click it. If you’re browsing using mobile, then there will only be this side navigation menu throughout the entire site.

All other sub pages will have a side navigation menu that will open up once you click it. If you’re browsing using mobile, then there will only be this side navigation menu throughout the entire site.

No Prayer Meeting This Week + Communion Sunday

Hey Church Family,

Since our prayer meeting lands on Canada Day, some of you might have plans to celebrate safely with family and friends; which is why there will be no prayer meeting this week, but we will resume on July 8th. If you would like to pray on your own time or with a small group of people, you are more than welcome to do so. The prayer bulletin will be sent tomorrow as usual.

Also, just a reminder that this Sunday is communion. We invite you and your whole family to join us for communion and worship.

To prepare, your household should make available a loaf of bread, bun, or even flat bread for those who are keen, and some juice.

Young kids may be curious about the bread and juice and may want to take part but we encourage they simply observe as the elements represent the body and the blood of Christ and should be handled with reverence (1 Corinthians 11:27–31).

Happy Canada Day! Looking forward worshiping with you on Sunday.

Phase 2 of Reopening - We want to see you!


We want to see you! We know everyone is excited to meet together, and we want to ensure we are fully prepared, keeping in mind the health and life stages of our church members. Our leadership teams have been working hard to make our reopening as safe as possible. On July 1, 2020, ECCC will launch PHASE 2 of our reopening:

1. All in-person ECCC fellowship and small groups can be hosted in our church building.

2. We encourage you to meet informally in person with fellow brothers and sisters or get together for worship services in your own homes if you feel you can do so safely.

As always, we must follow AHS guidelines and practice physical distancing. Visit eccchurch.ca for facility bookings, guidelines/logistics and more info. We plan to launch PHASE 3 for public in-person worship services at the end of summer. Thank you for your prayers and patience in this time.

Thank you!

“Every time we see a baby or a child, it is a constant reminder of how we need discipleship.”

When my wife and I were given the opportunity to attend a week long retreat, we were concerned about whether or not our ten month old would be a distraction for everyone — she cries loud, and she won’t hesitate in letting you know.  As we arrived to the campsite, we were warmly welcomed with the words quoted above.

They were some of the most convicting words I had ever heard and at the same time, it was powerfully refreshing.  I was reminded of what Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 ESV,

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

The disciples viewed the children as a hindrance in their journey to Jerusalem, while Jesus had different priorities and did not hesitate to welcome them.  It was the perfect opportunity for Jesus to help the disciples recognize that those who would be saved from their sin must ultimately become like children in their humility and trust in Jesus Christ.

This is why our children’s ministry is such an essential part to the life of our church at ECCC.  Children are a constant reminder of how we need to carry out the work of discipleship, while also being a reminder of our attitude and need to humble ourselves and trust in Jesus Christ.

Which is why we’d like to thank all the AWANA/KAIO volunteers, leaders, and children directors (Mase and Sunsy) for their love, care and support: whether you have ran a Google classroom, dropped off goodie packages, prayed with your kids, played online games with them, or took the time to call them just to let them know that you’re thinking about/praying for them.

God is using all of you to further the kingdom of God, and none of what you give will be in vain.  You are an encouragement to many of us as you participate in the work of discipleship, so that one day, these children may come to know the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


Latest Update on Reopening

Hey everyone,

We hope that you’ve been healthy and safe! Thanks to all of you who have been patiently waiting on further updates regarding when the church we begin reopening. Here is the latest update from our council:


Many people have been asking about the re-opening of ECCC. We intend to re-open gradually and safely in phases. We are still prayerfully considering what each phase will look like.We continue to seek the Lord’s guidance on how to be good neighbours and protect our most vulnerable.

  • On June 1, as a PHASE 1 approach, our ECCC building will ONLY be open for church leader meetings for Deacons, Elders, Pastors and Council Members who are comfortable meeting in person. This will allow them to implement and fine-tune safety measures for future phases.

  • We continue to follow Alberta Health Services guidelines, and encourage all to practice physical distancing. 

  •  We’d love to hear from you! As we prayerfully make plans on what ECCC ministries look like in the near future, we want to hear from YOU. Take the survey at: ECCC Reopening

  • In the meantime, we welcome you to join us in doing church right inside our homes. Whether that is gathering in our living rooms with our families, or meeting up virtually with friends afterwards to share and pray, let’s worship together!

Three new buttons!

Hey E3C family,

We hope that you’re doing well and staying safe! If you haven’t noticed already, our front page has three new additional buttons: E3C 3R Walk, Resources and Give Now.

E3C 3R Walk is our pastoral initiative from all congregations to help each of us engage in deeper theological and personal reflection during this pandemic. Throughout the week, feel free to reflect on some of the questions for each epistle, and share your answers by commenting at the bottom of the epistle page! We hope that by sharing with one another, across our congregations, it would create a sense of togetherness and community at E3C.

Resources is where you can get free and available resources to help further grow your relationship with God. There are a lot of good articles, sample books, and courses that may be a helpful supplement to your Right Now Media account. Feel free to take a look at “Other Resources” to find a google drive for you to look at.

Give Now is our instructional web page to guide you on how you can give to E3C. We’re very thankful for the many people who have asked how they can give to the church! If you’d like to support and give, feel free to head on over to the web page for further instructions, and downloadable forms on how you can get started with our online e-transfers.

Thanks for tuning in! Take care, be safe, God bless.

[Communion] This Sunday

Just a reminder that this Sunday is communion. We invite you and your whole family to join us for communion and worship.

To prepare, your household should make available a loaf of bread, bun, or even flat bread for those who are keen, and some juice.

Young kids may be curious about the bread and juice and may want to take part but we encourage they simply observe as the elements represent the body and the blood of Christ and should be handled with reverence (1 Corinthians 11:27–31).

For those of you who are keen, this is one way to do communion by one of our members!

For those of you who are keen, this is one way to do communion by one of our members!

Weekly Congregational Prayer Meetings

Beginning this Wednesday, April 29th we will be hosting weekly English congregational prayer meetings at 7:30pm via Zoom. This is a time we especially need to come together as a church to pray. To join us for our prayer meetings, enter the required information in Zoom:

Meeting ID: 822 5697 5052
Password: 788816

Feel free to distribute the room information to your cell groups, but please do not disclose to others without the knowledge of the pastors. Thank you! See you all on Wednesday.