Day of Prayer

We will be gathering online this Saturday (October 17th) to seek the Lord together in prayer.  Psalm 2:8 says, "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance..."

As the body of Christ, what a great promise this is.  But we need to come before the Lord.  We need to ask.  So, set aside this Saturday.  Let's come together as a church for the sake of repentance, unity, and revival.  Let's come and ask that God would renew and transform us so that we would shine the gospel light with greater clarity and intensity to the praise of His name.  

Zoom ID 6297411915
Password: 7777777

8-10am led by Mandarin

10-12pm led by English 

12-2pm led by Cantonese

2-4pm led by Mandarin

Make sure to specify your name and language (for small group prayer) when logging in.  Eg. Joyce (E) for English or Joyce (A) for any language.