Three new buttons!

Hey E3C family,

We hope that you’re doing well and staying safe! If you haven’t noticed already, our front page has three new additional buttons: E3C 3R Walk, Resources and Give Now.

E3C 3R Walk is our pastoral initiative from all congregations to help each of us engage in deeper theological and personal reflection during this pandemic. Throughout the week, feel free to reflect on some of the questions for each epistle, and share your answers by commenting at the bottom of the epistle page! We hope that by sharing with one another, across our congregations, it would create a sense of togetherness and community at E3C.

Resources is where you can get free and available resources to help further grow your relationship with God. There are a lot of good articles, sample books, and courses that may be a helpful supplement to your Right Now Media account. Feel free to take a look at “Other Resources” to find a google drive for you to look at.

Give Now is our instructional web page to guide you on how you can give to E3C. We’re very thankful for the many people who have asked how they can give to the church! If you’d like to support and give, feel free to head on over to the web page for further instructions, and downloadable forms on how you can get started with our online e-transfers.

Thanks for tuning in! Take care, be safe, God bless.