Latest Update on Reopening

Hey everyone,

We hope that you’ve been healthy and safe! Thanks to all of you who have been patiently waiting on further updates regarding when the church we begin reopening. Here is the latest update from our council:


Many people have been asking about the re-opening of ECCC. We intend to re-open gradually and safely in phases. We are still prayerfully considering what each phase will look like.We continue to seek the Lord’s guidance on how to be good neighbours and protect our most vulnerable.

  • On June 1, as a PHASE 1 approach, our ECCC building will ONLY be open for church leader meetings for Deacons, Elders, Pastors and Council Members who are comfortable meeting in person. This will allow them to implement and fine-tune safety measures for future phases.

  • We continue to follow Alberta Health Services guidelines, and encourage all to practice physical distancing. 

  •  We’d love to hear from you! As we prayerfully make plans on what ECCC ministries look like in the near future, we want to hear from YOU. Take the survey at: ECCC Reopening

  • In the meantime, we welcome you to join us in doing church right inside our homes. Whether that is gathering in our living rooms with our families, or meeting up virtually with friends afterwards to share and pray, let’s worship together!