Thank you!

“Every time we see a baby or a child, it is a constant reminder of how we need discipleship.”

When my wife and I were given the opportunity to attend a week long retreat, we were concerned about whether or not our ten month old would be a distraction for everyone — she cries loud, and she won’t hesitate in letting you know.  As we arrived to the campsite, we were warmly welcomed with the words quoted above.

They were some of the most convicting words I had ever heard and at the same time, it was powerfully refreshing.  I was reminded of what Jesus said in Matthew 19:14 ESV,

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

The disciples viewed the children as a hindrance in their journey to Jerusalem, while Jesus had different priorities and did not hesitate to welcome them.  It was the perfect opportunity for Jesus to help the disciples recognize that those who would be saved from their sin must ultimately become like children in their humility and trust in Jesus Christ.

This is why our children’s ministry is such an essential part to the life of our church at ECCC.  Children are a constant reminder of how we need to carry out the work of discipleship, while also being a reminder of our attitude and need to humble ourselves and trust in Jesus Christ.

Which is why we’d like to thank all the AWANA/KAIO volunteers, leaders, and children directors (Mase and Sunsy) for their love, care and support: whether you have ran a Google classroom, dropped off goodie packages, prayed with your kids, played online games with them, or took the time to call them just to let them know that you’re thinking about/praying for them.

God is using all of you to further the kingdom of God, and none of what you give will be in vain.  You are an encouragement to many of us as you participate in the work of discipleship, so that one day, these children may come to know the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
