We are a community of believers who are built on the teachings of God's word.
We believe in holding true to the hopeful, and abundant promises offered through Jesus Christ no matter life’s joys and challenges; that whoever should believe would be given eternal life.
We do life together in the mercy, grace, and freedom that is offered to us through the blood bought forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
We give generously because God first gave us the greatest treasure — Jesus Christ. We believe in stewardship, not ownership.
What is ECCC Connect?
In this newsletter, we hope to foster a sense of community between congregations. We will inform you of inter-congregational events, allow you to share stories, testimonies, artwork, recipes and events and provide opportunities
ECCC Vision 2025
Need Support?
If you're in need in support (prayer, counsel, connecting with church community, essential items), please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Connect with our English pastors below.