A time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem… a time has now come when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth.
- John 4:21,22
Thank you to all the worship ministry workers (praise team, AV team and pastors) who served in our worship service this week with such short notice and many changes. Special thanks to Uncle Anthony from the Cantonese congregation and AV team who worked tirelessly (and will continue to) so that we can worship together in our own homes.
As many of you have seen, places of worship are no longer exempted from public health restrictions on mass gatherings. We continue to respond as a community and follow the recommendations from Alberta Health Services.
Moving forward, please join us at 11:15 a.m. for Sunday Morning Worship and 5:00 p.m. for Sunday Evening Worship on the web stream. We understand that the current situation may change the format and location of worship, but it does not change the essence of worship.
We want to continue loving our neighbours by minimizing the risk and continuing to foster a caring Christian community. Thank you to Pastor Chanh for his timely message on discipleship. This is a perfect opportunity to practice some of the informal means of discipleship like picking up the phone to check on one another.
Beyond informal means, we encourage small groups to continue meeting through phone calls or technology (Google Hangouts Meet, Whatsapp, Zoom etc.) Google Hangouts Meet by video is available for up to 10 people in one meeting for free with a Google account. If you have UAlberta account, it is free for up to 250 people. Visit http://bit.ly/googlehangoutsmeet for instructions.
Our congregational prayer meeting is scheduled for this week. We invite small groups to gather on the phone or online at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday to pray together.
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another. -Hebrews 10:24-25a
More than ever, we need to continue to pray together, encourage one another and spur each other to continue to find ways to serve each other and the community.
All in-person children’s programs and youth fellowships, all programs have been suspended. With the news that all K-12 schools are closed, we recognize there is more uncertainty than ever regarding the care of our young people. We are continuing our planning for providing resources to foster family worship and to allow students to continue review the bible lessons that they have been learning at church.
For now, we encourage parents to subscribe to the children’s program blog, eccckids.com, to be updated on our plans for Children ministry and what that may look like.
With public school being suspended or post-secondary classes going online, this is a time of great change and uncertainty for many of our youth and young adults. We ask that all Samuel, Petros and Life Support counselors phone or meet virtually with their students and check up on them on a regular basis to pray and care for them.
Our ministry leaders are meeting and planning for what programs may look like in the future. Please continue to pray and trust that we are committed to updating you.
Because of the uncertainty surrounding social gatherings in the coming months, the Deacon Board has made the decision to cancel E3C English Church Camp. We understand that this may be disappointing to many church members, but our decision reflects the seriousness of the current COVID-19 situation.
Joyce Loo, our Community deacon, will be in touch regarding refunds for those who have registered.
As part of our church community’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, we recognize that there will be growing needs in our congregation, in our church (particularly for the elderly), and in the Argyll community. As the salt and light of the world, we want to be at the forefront of helping our neighbours.
We see a need for helpers of all ages to serve during this trying time in various ways: grocery/meal delivery, babysitting, tutoring, meal preparation and more. As part of this initiative, we will strictly follow AHS guidelines and make sure all volunteers adhere to them.
If you are interested in joining this ministry, please sign up here: bit.ly/heartofe3c
We commit to keeping you updated. Please continue to check the ECCC.ca website, facebook.com/EdmontonChristianCommunityChurch and our regular communication channels.
We recognize that this is a time of rapid change and uncertainty. Please contact any of your counselors, leaders, pastors and deacons if you are in need. We are here for you.
Praying alongside you to an Almighty God,
ECCC English Deacon Board