Our letter to you

Firstly, we want to acknowledge that we know this is a time where there are many unknowns and the situation with COVID-19 is changing rapidly locally, nationally and globally. We continue a posture of humility as we pray earnestly to an Almighty God alongside you.
As the health, safety and well-being of our church family is of high priority to us, ECCC Council has decided to suspend all church programs and services for the month of March with all Worship Services exclusively online (home page). This includes Children’s programs and youth and young adult fellowship groups. English Spring Camp and Guatemala STM are also cancelled. While the risk remains low in Alberta, it is important that we consider the role we play in our community and our population at ECCC.
Worship services will continue exclusively online at the usual weekly service times. We invite you to worship with us online. We know this is a time of high anxiety as there are many unknowns and things are changing rapidly. Please talk to your cell group leader, counselor, deacon, councilor, pastor or elder if you need prayer.  We will continue to worship and pray. Now, more than ever, we need to worship and pray. 
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:7
We commit to keeping you updated. Please stay tuned to church announcements and church communication channels. 
Praying alongside you, 

Edmonton Christian Community Church