Missional Discipleship Fellowship

These two years have reshaped our lives with a pandemic, but COVID has not only suspended missions in our church; rather, for some of us, we've placed missions at the back of our minds. Do you have a passion for missions? Where are you spiritually with missions? Jesus has called us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Luke 28:19).

ECCC will be launching a Missional Discipleship Fellowship. Join us on May 31, 2022 from 7:30-8:30PM at Lower HUB as we begin a fellowship group (that will meet every two months) as we share testimonies, go through the Word, discuss theological articles, pray for fellow brothers and sisters with a mission of seeking, encouraging and sharing the gospel outwards. Our first meeting will feature missional testimonies including Les Peters, head of Impact Ministries. As well, we will have a time of worship, small group discussion and prayer time. Dessert will be provided.