Membership Declaration & Church Directory

Hello E3C!

We would like to bring your attention to 2 important items requiring your action:

1. Membership declaration 2022

ECCC Bylaws state that all members (baptized at E3C or transferred members) must declare their membership to a particular congregation annually. Those who have 𝟱𝟬%+ participation in the ECCC regular functions (e.g. worship and prayer meeting) in the last 12 months are eligible to declare. DEADLINE: June 30, 2022.

Declaration is done online at this link:


2. ECCC Church Directory 2022

As a church, we are creating a directory to facilitate communication and interaction pathways within our community. This information is for internal use, and is not for public distribution, and the contact information is not for commercial use. We encourage ALL E3C attendees to submit their information, as this directory is not limited to baptized members only. 

Please follow this link to submit your information for the church directory:


Your participation in both of the above tasks is very important! Thank you for taking time to fill out those forms.


ECCC Council