It’s Spring In Edmonton!

Pretty soon the grass will be green! Trust everyone had a fantastic break. Just a reminder we’re going to meet for fellowship this Friday so join us online (regular Zoom link, regular time).

Good Friday Communion Service


Join us this Friday morning at 10-11am. This service is to remember and celebrate Jesus’ road to the cross.

Zoom ID: 826 0787 0420

Passcode: 869196

Healthy Habits


We’re going to do a virtual workout together this Friday plus look at some healthy habits we can practise. Join us Friday at the regular time!

Home-baked Goodness (February 5th)


We’ll be baking some cookies on February 5th (Online). We have two recipes to choose from. Choose a recipe you’d like to try. Talk to your parents about getting the ingredients and join us on February 5th from your kitchen. Some of your parents may want to be there to help you. Jonathan will be taking us through the first recipe (Brownie cookies) so you can follow along. Christina will take us through the second recipe (Soft Chocolate chip cookies). If you decide not to bake, that’s alright. Still, come join us. We’ll bake, and while we wait for the cookies, there’ll be a sharing and then small group time. So, take a look at the recipes below and prep for that night. This should be fun!



First Samuel of 2021!

It’s welcome back night this Friday! Join us at 7:30pm. We’ll be doing some ice-breakers, some sharing in our small groups, and a devotional time.

There’s also a change to ZOOM! Login will be the same as before but please make sure you login through the Zoom app (desktop or mobile versions). This will allow you to enter breakout rooms on your own which will make things much easier! If you log in through a web browser, this won’t work. So, use the Zoom app!

See you all Friday.

Cards for the Elderly

E3C Connect is planning to send some Christmas e-cards filled with joy and love to our E3C seniors during this unprecedented Christmas season. We would like to invite families with young children or youth who would like to design and submit art for  Christmas cards. Draw a picture or create some digital art, write a brief encouragement, take a photo of the card and email it to or by Dec 15.

We’re Moving to ZOOOOM!

Starting October 9th, we’re meeting up on Zoom instead. You’ll need to register in order to get the meeting link. Click the link below and follow the instructions. You’ll get an email confirmation with the login key.

Change of Plans: Free Cell (Online)

This week we’ll be briefly meeting online in the large group before heading into our small groups for free cell. For those of you who don’t know what free cell is, it’s an evening dedicated to small group time with your counsellor. You can do games or anything else your counsellor(s) might have in mind.

Originally, we were going to have in-person activities this Friday, but because many students wouldn’t be able to join, we’ve decided to give your small groups time to spend together.

Let’s GO!


Summer is over and we’re ready to start a new year together. Join us this Friday for the first Samuel Fellowship of the year. If your parents haven’t registered you yet, get them to click on the FORMS tab above and make sure you’re registered.

We’ll be meeting online ( at the usual time – 7:30pm! Looking forward to having all you grade 8s and 9s back. And really excited to meet our new group of grade 7 students.

Youth Ministry Registration Fall 2020


Just a reminder parents must register their teens for the upcoming Fall. Registration due date is September 30th. (click here)