Fitness Month!


We are having outdoor activities this month.  So for those of you who would like to join us, make sure to dress accordingly, bring bug spray as well as a mask.  For parents, we’ll be practicing social distancing and providing hand sanitizers.

Meet on the field just outside the church this Friday (7:30pm – 9pm).  Again, the focus is fitness so prepare to sweat!

No Samuel Tonight!


Welcome to July!  Just a friendly reminder that we don’t have fellowship this week.  If you haven’t yet, head over to the schedules page to see what’s coming up for July.

New Bible Study Series: Different


Today’s world tells teens to walk around life with a mirror in front of their face. They question their looks, persona, and acceptance nonstop, thinking that one more post on social media might gain people’s attention. Money and possessions become badges of wealth and worth that teenagers fight to wear. This obsession with self can even take a dark turn, spiraling into depression or suicide. Living with eyes glued on yourself will only lead to one thing: death.

God offers an alternative to the mirror. When God rules over our lives, he flips everything upside down. His kingdom looks nothing like the ways of the world—everything orients around loving him and serving others. Storing up possessions becomes obsolete and money has different value in God’s economy. Recognizing God as king changes the entirety of our lives.

In this series, Jonathan Evans will walk students through the parables in Luke to teach what it looks like for God to rule our lives. Though a life sold out for Christ might look backwards to everyone else, it actually points us back to how God intended our lives to be when he first created us. When God is king, he reverses the curse and flips everything we know on its head. We simply have to choose to follow his lead.

Join us next week as we begin a new four-part Bible study series.