COVID-19 Update - September 16, 2021

Brothers and sisters,

In response to recent Alberta COVID-19 public health actions, Edmonton Christian Community
Church is making the following temporary changes, effective Friday, September 17, 2021:

1. Worship Services will continue online and in-person at ⅓ capacity with masking and social distancing. The auditorium can have 100 people only, and we will open the partition for the gym in addition to this to accommodate those who may want more space. The sanctuary will accommodate 100 people only. Please visit to reserve your Eventbrite tickets ahead of time.

2. Sunday School is online. Elevation will be on pause, and we welcome Grade 7 and up to our regular Worship Service in-person or online. Nursery is closed

3. All Saturday and Sunday Preschool to Grade 6 services/programs will only be offered online. Visit for more information. 

4. Awana and Kaio will be moved online. Please visit for more information.

5. All other fellowships, cell groups and meetings will move online or can choose to be in-person in the church building as long as rooms are only at ⅓ capacity with masking and social distancing. Please contact your leaders for more information. Contact for room bookings. Gym and kitchen bookings are not available at this time. 

We understand we are in uncharted waters, and there is no decision that will please everyone.  But we also acknowledge that we serve an all-knowing God and continue our posture of humility and prayer during this time. If you or a brother and sister you know need prayer or help, please reach out to our pastors, elders, deacons, council and staff. 

Please visit the Government of Alberta website for new measures to protect the health care system, stop the spread, and how to get vaccinations. Thank you for your understanding and patience.