Day of Prayer - February 27th, 2021


In the history of Israel, when the country and people were facing uncertainties, threats, and danger, they humbled themselves to seek the help of the Lord. Abraham, Moses, David, and King Jehoshaphat all sought the Lord and saw breakthrough, victory, healing and forgiveness. Dear brothers and sisters, may I encourage you not to view your prayers as a casual and semi-important event, or regard them as a “shopping wish-list” to the Lord. Prayer is honest conversation with the Lord. Prayer is a reflection of our heart. Prayer can change the future because our God listens to us when we are right before him. We are His people who are called by His name. We can hold on to the promise from our faithful Father who promised to forgive and heal when we humble ourselves.

May I encourage all of you to set apart Saturday February 27, 2021, 9am-noon to be a day of prayer, as a step to develop a deeper culture of prayer within our church. Let us humble ourselves and seek His favor, healing and direction. We will worship, meditate, confess and seek His guidance for the whole morning. We will not separate into different congregations. We will use English and Chinese throughout the whole time. Let’s seek Him together and experience His presence, guidance, and healing.

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